Attendees of the 39th annual Four Oaks commercial horticulture trade show, a 23 acre site in Cheshire, were enthusiastic about the use of compost tea and related products displayed by Martin Lishman, Ltd., distributor in the UK and Ireland for Growing Solutions. Dr. Gavin Lishman and I met with many growers who were familiar with our Systems. “Seeing the quality and simplicity of the Growing Solutions range, as well as hearing of specific benefits such as reduced fungicide and fertiliser use were the key factors that caught hold of people’s imagination,” Dr. Lishman added.

Specialised compost tea sprayers were also part of the Martin Lishman display, including the Micron Electrafan, able to spray compost tea in difficult situations such as dense canopies and narrow rows. “When demonstrating to our first Electrafan customer on her stand of Clematis plants, the leaf movement (and total compost tea spray coverage) from 2 metres away, met with an instant order!” Dr. Lishman explained. “That’s the kind of response that makes a show worthwhile.”